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Friday, March 26, 2010

I am sick with wanting

&it's evil and it's daunting how I let everything I cherish lay to waste. I am lost in greed, this time it's definately me. I point fingers but there's no one there to blame.

I need for something. No, let me break it down again. I need for something but not more medicine.

I am sick with wanting &it's evil how it's got me &everyday is worse than the one before. The more I have the more I think: I'm almost where I need to be, if only I could get a little more.

Something has me, oh something has me, acting like someone I don't wanna be.
Something has me, oh something has me, acting like someone I know isn't me.
Ill with want and poisoned by this ugly greed.

Temporary is my time. Ain't nothin on this world that's mine, except the will I found to carry on. Free is not your right to choose, it's answering what's asked of you; to give the love you find until it's gone.

Ill with want and poisoned by this ugly greed.

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